Congratulations to OSAH Legal Assistants

Legal Assistants at the Office of State Administrative Hearings (OSAH) successfully completed the 2012 Mini Law School. The graduation ceremony was held on December 10, 2012. For the past several months, the Legal Assistants attended classes taught by Judges and highly qualified attorneys. The program was designed by Judge Malihi to provide the participants with the in-depth legal knowledge and skills necessary to assist Georgia litigants in more than 45,000 cases adjudicated by OSAH annually. OSAH’s highly qualified Legal Assistants process the largest caseload in the United States with nearly 99% customer satisfaction evaluations.

The Mini Law School courses included Introduction to Law, Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Civil Litigation, Family and Child Support Law, Contract Law, Criminal Law, Torts and Personal Injury, Debtor and Creditor Law, Contract Law, Georgia Evidence and American Courts. The courses were taught by Chief Judge Max Wood; Judge Barbara Brown; Steve Caley, Esquire; Judge Steve Teate; Judge Kim Schroer; Judge Lois Oakley; Judge Patrick Woodard; Judge Ana Kennedy; Shoshana Elon, Esquire and Laurin Nutt, Esquire.

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