Deal delivers State of the State address

Governor Nathan Deal addressed the issues our state faces and his strategic plans going forward into this year and the next in his State of the State speech Tuesday Jan. 10, 2012. He provided the groundwork for efforts that will improve the well being of Georgians through education and economics. Noting progress from last year, Deal acknowledged that, “when a business considers locating in Georgia, it helps to show them that they will be partnering with a state government that has its house in order.”

Some specific areas of interest for state employees include improvements to transportation with assistance from the Department of Transportation, funding for additional parole officers and completion of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project.

Regarding education, his goal is to educate students better at an early age, culminating in young men and women ready for post-secondary study or a job within our state. An emphasis in this area, Deal said, could provide additional teaching jobs and additional funding for teaching salaries.

Each of these areas is also two-fold. By making the necessary improvements in these areas, jobs are provided and economic growth can be achieved.

Governor Deal likened our state’s evolution to the journeys of Magellan and Columbus who went forth with their travels despite ever present dangers. With the same zeal, necessary changes must be made despite challenges to ensure the state of Georgia adapts to the changing landscape of our country. “If we do this, hardworking, self-reliant Georgians will propel our state into a prosperous future,” said Deal.

Read the full transcription of his speech.

Photos courtesy of Alana Joyner, photographer for Governor Nathan  Deal

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