Maximize your mid-year performance review

The mid-fiscal-year performance discussion is an opportunity for you and your manager to share feedback on how the year has progressed; identify what goals have been added, eliminated or changed; review priorities and clarify performance expectations going forward.  Follow these tips to get the most of this meeting.

Prepare in advance.  Gather current information for your manager showing your accomplishments and progress since your goals were set.  Prepare to talk about this and what you want to achieve in the next several months.

Seek feedback.  Ask your manager what you are doing particularly well, and what you might improve upon.   Make the discussion easier by asking questions like, “What else could I have done to improve X?” or “Do you have any suggestions for me?” Then listen carefully.

Clarify expectations. If you walk away unsure of what is expected of you, you haven’t gotten the clarity that you need. Make your manager aware of any issues or roadblocks you are facing and discuss how they might be overcome.  Let your manager know what you need from him/her during the remainder of the fiscal year to be successful.

Focus on your growth. Discuss your development activities for the year. Share progress to date and find out how your manager can support you going forward.

Recommit.  At the end of the discussion, thank your manager for the feedback and use it to renew your focus for a successful year.

Contact your agency HR office for information on your agency’s specific performance management requirements and guidelines.

Beth Valenta is the director of performance management for the State Personnel Administration.

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