Who is Team Georgia?

Have you ever wondered who makes up Team Georgia? We recently found a few statistics to help identify who makes up the typical state employee in Georgia.

Team Georgia Statistics:

  • The average age of a state employee is 45 years old.
  • The average tenure of a state employee is 10 years.
  • The percentage of female employees working in state government 63%.
  • The percentage of Caucasion employees is 50%.
  • The percentage of African American employees is 46%.
  • The average salary of a state employee is $38,000.
  • The percentage of employees working out of Metro Atlanta is 35%.

These statistics are developed by the State Personnel Administrations HR Analytics Group and published annually. These reports provide enterprise-wide data covering the most recently completed fiscal year. In addition to the monthly tables and graphs, this comprehensive report will help predict hiring activity for the year, turnover breakdowns and retirement projections.

To read further statistics, please visit: http://www.spa.ga.gov/employees/HR_Analytics.asp

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